IPR R Workshops
The IPR R Working Group, led by Jason Thomas (IPR Research Scientist) and Sinem Esengen (IPR Graduate Affiliate and PhD student in sociology) meets regularly to present workshops and tutorials. Workshops will be held every other Friday from 12-1:30 in the IPR seminar room (Townshend 038), with zoom option available. Topics include regression models in R, data management in R, R markdown and dynamic documents, and others. See details on the events page.
Materials from past meetings and plans for future meetings are available on GitHub.
Spring 2025 schedule:
1/24: Introduction to R
2/7: Drop-in office hours (zoom only) - special time 1:30-3:00
2/14: Web Scraping - special time 1:30 - 3:00
2/21: Text Analysis - data preparation
3/07: Text Analysis - topic modeling
3/21: Survey Weights I
4/04: Survey Weights II
4/18: Introduction to Bayesian statistics
IPR Special Topics Seminars
The IPR Special Topics Seminar are interactive seminars designed to provide the latest tips and techniques to increase research rigor and efficiency, encourage collaboration, and support applications for external funding. Seminars will be posted as they are scheduled.
For questions and suggestions, contact IPR Associate Director Kammi Schmeer.