Aims: IPR Rapid Response Grants address urgent short-term and low-cost needs as deadline for submission of funding application approaches. Examples of what Rapid Response Grants might fund: assistance from a research assistant with a literature review or preliminary data analysis; purchase of datasets; purchase of specialized software; purchase of supplies (lab or otherwise) to confirm viability of proposed techniques; maps and preliminary spatial analysis; fee for consultant’s review of application. Once travel again becomes feasible, Rapid Response Grants might also cover travel expenses for 1-2 days meeting of a multi-institutional investigator team or travel costs to access restricted data. Faculty salary is not allowed.
Rapid Response Grants complement IPR’s Seed Grant Program. The budget for IPR seed grants is markedly larger, they cover expenses over the period of a year or so, and the lag from proposal to funding is typically several months.
Research domain: The proposed research must fit within IPR’s scientific mission:
- sexual and reproductive health
- family demography (including union formation/dissolution and transition to adulthood)
- mortality and health over the life course
- migration
Budget Size: $2000 - $8000 is the norm. $10,000 is the maximum.
Duration: Six months maximum.
Sharing of IDCs: IPR expects a portion of IDCs if application is funded.
Procedure: Please use template (below) for proposal. Submit to Carol Bitzinger ( Decision will be rendered within two weeks (and often within a few days). If approved, expenditure can begin immediately.
Reports: A brief report (one-page maximum) on the use of the funds is required within one month of completing grant expenditures. A further report will be requested within one year on the returns on this investment (date of submission of application, application outcome).
P2C acknowledgment: Publications arising from Rapid Response support are required to follow NIH policy on public access. The author is required to acknowledge IPR’s P2CHD058484 award, and the publications should be reposited in PubMed Central.
Proposal template
1. Planned application for funding:
- Agency
- Submission deadline
- Funding mechanism (e.g. “NIH R01”)
- Project duration and amount of budget request
2. Project description (300 words maximum)
3. Rapid Response Grant budget:
- items and amount
- justification (be explicit about why essential)
- timeline for expenditure
4. NIH Biosketch