Grant Writing Workshop

Conducted every summer since its launch in 2011, the IPR Grant Writing Workshop is a structured process of peer engagement and review. The workshop meets every other week during the summer, starting in late May and extending through August or into September, depending on the needs of the participants. The workshop runs on a facilitated peer-review model: participants circulate and provide feedback on drafts, led by an experienced mentor. Participants should have a clear plan and a specific timeline for submission in order to benefit most from the workshop. 

Workshop participants will be invited to take advantage of two other IPR services: (i) IPR is prepared to cover the consultant fee (typically $500) for review of a draft application; (ii) Grants Manager Bitzinger is available to provide hands-on administrative support to those submitting applications.

Information for summer 2025 will be released in spring 2025, or contact Senior Grants Manager Carol Bitzinger ( with questions.