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Website Featured Project Summer 2020 - Ohio Policy Evaluation Network (OPEN)

Title: Ohio Policy Evaluation Network (OPEN)

Principal Investigator:

Alison Norris, MD, PhD, Associate Professor, The Ohio State University

Division of Epidemiology and Division of Infectious Diseases 

OPEN Principal Investigator

Other Investigators:

Danielle Bessett, PhD, Associate Professor, University of Cincinnati 

Department of Sociology and Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Affiliate 

OPEN Principal Investigator

Project Description

OPEN is a research collaborative of more than 50 scholars from The Ohio State University, University of Cincinnati, and Case Western Reserve University who conduct social-science research on reproductive health. It is co-led by Dr. Alison Norris and Dr. Danielle Bessett. OPEN’s peer-reviewed research is interdisciplinary, with scholars from a variety of backgrounds. They are sociologists, physicians, lawyers, epidemiologists, and graduate students. OPEN’s scientific research focuses on healthcare access in Ohio and nearby states, specifically contraception and family planning, abortion care, and infant and maternal well-being. OPEN seeks to improve reproductive health outcomes and uphold autonomy for all Ohioans. OPEN’s research offers policymakers, health care providers, community-based organizations, and administrators the scientific evidence that helps them support patient autonomy, better serve their communities, and provide quality reproductive health care. We seek to inspire Ohioans to advance reproductive equity and access, which are foundations to healthy lives, healthy families, and healthy communities.

Recent Publications

McGowan, Michelle L. Alison Holt Norris & Danielle Bessett. (2020). Care Churn — Why Keeping Clinic Doors Open Isn’t Enough to Ensure Access to Abortion. New England Journal of Medicine 383(6): 508-510. https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMp2013466 

Alison H. Norris et al. “Abortion Access in Ohio’s Changing Legislative Context, 2010–2018”, American Journal of Public Health 110, no. 8 (August 1, 2020): pp. 1228-1234. https://ajph.aphapublications.org/doi/full/10.2105/AJPH.2020.305706

External Funding

Ohio Policy Evaluation Network Implementation Grant 



Anonymous Foundation 


Ohio Health Policy Evaluation Project: Planning Grant 



Anonymous Foundation 


Link to project website
