January 17, 2023
R Working Group Resuming Sessions in 2023
The R Working Group, led by IPR Research Scientist Jason Thomas, has several workshops planned this semester, roughly every other Friday with a few changes due to spring break & PAA. Sessions will be held biweekly on Fridays at 11am in the IPR Conference Room (Townshend 038) with a Zoom option (see below)
The tentative schedule is:
- 1/20 -- Introduction to R
- 2/3 -- Regression models in R
- 2/17 -- Data management in R (using the dplyr packages0
- 3/3 -- Making plots in R (using the ggplot2 package)
- 3/31 -- R Markdown and Dynamic Documents
- 4/28 -- Advanced Programming in R
Topic: R Working Group
Time: Jan 20, 2023 11:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 993 9166 3654
Password: 827714