IPR Seed Grant Rules and PI Responsibilities

Post-award Process

IPR will work with OSP to set up seed grant awards as sub-projects of the Population Research Center grant. Seed grant awardees will be the PI on the sub-project and IPR Director, Sarah Hayford, will be the co-investigator. Terms and conditions of the Population Research Center grant, as well as all NIH grant rules, apply to this sub-project. No food or alcohol expenses are allowed on this grant.

Jill Morris will work with grants administrators or fiscal managers in the awardee home units as needed. Please provide the department cost center number for all departments involved.

If Human Subjects data or data collection is involved, sub-projects will not be set up until after the OSU IRB approves the protocol. Please include Jill Morris as a contact person on the IRB application.

No expenditures may be charged to the sub-project until the award recipient receives a grant number.

Sub-projects will have an approximate start date of 1/1 for Oct submissions and 6/1 for March submissions. Seed Grant Investigators will be responsible for fiscal oversight of their project. Expenditures must follow the approved budget. If you anticipate needing more than one year to spend the allotted funds, please contact Jill Morris to request a no-cost extension. Unspent funds will be reclaimed after 12 months unless an extension is requested.

Seed grantees will work with their own department for all HR needs such as ODP, release time, student payments, etc. They will also need to discuss purchases ahead of time with Jill Morris to decide the best route to accomplish things such as travel, gift cards, software, etc.


Reporting Requirements

During the first year, IPR will check in regularly with awardees to ensure that the project is going smoothly and to provide any necessary administrative or scientific support. Starting at one year after the start date, awardees will be requested to report annually on progress on the project, including any presentations, publications, or other products stemming from the seed grant. All required reporting will be initiated by IPR.


P2CHD058484 Acknowledgement

Funding comes with the understanding that any public presentations from the project, including posters, talks, publications, reports, will acknowledge financial support from the Institute for Population Research and core support from the NIH center grant P2CHD058484 awarded by the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development and be deposited into PubMed Central per NIH Mandatory Public Access Policy

Acknowledgements should include the P2C number and a reference to the National Institute for Child Health and Human Development. A sample acknowledgement is:

Support for this project was provided by the Ohio State University Institute for Population Research through a grant from the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute for Child Health and Human Development of the National Institutes of Health, P2CHD058484.

The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute for Child Health and Human Development or the National Institutes of Health.


Indirects Expectations

IPR’s seed grant program is designed to support projects that have the potential for future external funding. Seed grant recipients are expected to allocate a portion of the indirect costs for any future grant submissions to IPR. IPR’s contribution should be reflected on the ePA-005, in consultation with IPR’s Director and all relevant department chairs and college officers.

20% of IDC is the most typical level. This level is appropriate when the external grant submission is a direct result of the seed grant and when there are few other units involved (e.g., one or two departments).

Lower levels of IDC sharing are appropriate when the external grant submission is only partly related to the seed grant or when multiple departments are involved in IDC sharing. 10% is typically the minimum level for IDC sharing.


IPR Resources

IPR staff and leadership are available to support awardees with administrative, scientific, and grant-writing resources.

Specific resources include:

  • Summer grant-writing workshops, announced annually every year in May.
  • Small, focused grants available for last-minute grant-preparation expenses
  • Pre- and post-award support, including budgeting, completing applications, working with Cayuse and the OSU submission process

Additional resources are listed on IPR’s website.


NIH Systems

For easy tracking of citations and accomplishments, we recommend starting accounts on MyNCBI, SciENcv, and ORCID.

Contact Jill Morris [morris.856@osu.edu] for questions/concerns.