Dr. Maria Khan, New York University, Associate Professor of Population Health
"Researching the Influence of Incarceration on Mental Health, Substance Use, and STI/HIV Risk: The Need for Precise Conceptual Models and Functionally Diverse Teams to Best Inform Policy and Programs."
This talk will summarize a series of recent analyses conducted by our team using data from the HIV Prevention Trials Network 061 cohort of Black sexual minority men and Black transgender women (BSMM/BTW). Using this dataset, we assessed longitudinal relationships between incarceration and STI/HIV risk and, informed by a novel conceptual model for BSMM/BTW, we considered how syndemics of incarceration-related distress, substance use, and violence exposure mediate the relationship between incarceration and STI/HIV risk. We also reflect on how expanding the functional diversity of our team including by increasing participation by people with lived experience of incarceration has strengthened the potential for impactful, policy-relevant research and expanded dissemination efforts.
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