IPR Seminar Series - Dr. Joanne Patterson

Joanne Patterson, Headshot
September 12, 2023
12:30PM - 1:30PM
Townshend Hall 038

Date Range
2023-09-12 12:30:00 2023-09-12 13:30:00 IPR Seminar Series - Dr. Joanne Patterson Dr. Joanne Patterson​, Ohio State University, Assistant Professor,​ Health Behavior and Health Promotion Title: Addressing tobacco use in LGBTQ+ communities: Apply cultural tailoring to promote cessation and harm reduction Abstract: Tobacco and nicotine use rates are high among lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ+) populations, warranting research on interventions reduce use in this group. Culturally tailored health communications can inform and influence tobacco social norms at a population-level and individual decisions to use tobacco. However, limited research describes the effectiveness of applying cultural tailoring to develop tobaccorelated health communications for LGBTQ+ populations. This talk will describe what we know about LGBTQ+ tobacco disparities, cultural tailoring for tobacco health communications, the message design process from two formative evaluation studies, and implications for future community-engaged research: First, partnering with a leading LGBTQ+ healthcare organization, we developed a culturally tailored smoking cessation communication guide to be used in behavior and primary healthcare settings. Second, using an iterative, qualitative approach, we developed visual and semantic content for mass-reach health communications to address nicotine and tobacco use among LGBTQ+ young adults. To attend by zoom, register in advance: https://osu.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJIrf-Gprz4pG9M1x9dwYZHEyyLnZib9ypmo    Townshend Hall 038 Institute for Population Research popcenter@osu.edu America/New_York public

Dr. Joanne Patterson​, Ohio State University, Assistant Professor,​ Health Behavior and Health Promotion

Title: Addressing tobacco use in LGBTQ+ communities: Apply cultural tailoring to promote cessation and harm reduction

Abstract: Tobacco and nicotine use rates are high among lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ+) populations, warranting research on interventions reduce use in this group. Culturally tailored health communications can inform and influence tobacco social norms at a population-level and individual decisions to use tobacco. However, limited research describes the effectiveness of applying cultural tailoring to develop tobaccorelated health communications for LGBTQ+ populations. This talk will describe what we know about LGBTQ+ tobacco disparities, cultural tailoring for tobacco health communications, the message design process from two formative evaluation studies, and implications for future community-engaged research: First, partnering with a leading LGBTQ+ healthcare organization, we developed a culturally tailored smoking cessation communication guide to be used in behavior and primary healthcare settings. Second, using an iterative, qualitative approach, we developed visual and semantic content for mass-reach health communications to address nicotine and tobacco use among LGBTQ+ young adults.

To attend by zoom, register in advance: https://osu.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJIrf-Gprz4pG9M1x9dwYZHEyyLnZib9ypmo