October 3, 2017
038 Townshend Hall, 1885 Neil Ave
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2017-10-03 11:30:00
2017-10-03 12:30:00
IPR Seminar: Dr. William Miller, Epidemiology, CPH, OSU
STDs and HIV: From Malawi to the United States to OhioSexually transmitted diseases (STD), including HIV infection, cause a considerable amount of morbidity and mortality worldwide. Throughout my career, I have focused on the epidemiology of STD in a variety of contexts. In this seminar, I will describe some of my previous work focusing on acute HIV infection in Malawi, spatial assessments of gonorrhea and syphilis in North Carolina, and chlamydial infection in the United States. I will conclude with an introduction to two newly funded projects that will address syphilis in Columbus and the opioid crisis in Ohio.
038 Townshend Hall, 1885 Neil Ave
OSU ASC Drupal 8
Date Range
2017-10-03 12:30:00
2017-10-03 13:30:00
IPR Seminar: Dr. William Miller, Epidemiology, CPH, OSU
STDs and HIV: From Malawi to the United States to OhioSexually transmitted diseases (STD), including HIV infection, cause a considerable amount of morbidity and mortality worldwide. Throughout my career, I have focused on the epidemiology of STD in a variety of contexts. In this seminar, I will describe some of my previous work focusing on acute HIV infection in Malawi, spatial assessments of gonorrhea and syphilis in North Carolina, and chlamydial infection in the United States. I will conclude with an introduction to two newly funded projects that will address syphilis in Columbus and the opioid crisis in Ohio.
038 Townshend Hall, 1885 Neil Ave
STDs and HIV: From Malawi to the United States to Ohio
Sexually transmitted diseases (STD), including HIV infection, cause a considerable amount of morbidity and mortality worldwide. Throughout my career, I have focused on the epidemiology of STD in a variety of contexts. In this seminar, I will describe some of my previous work focusing on acute HIV infection in Malawi, spatial assessments of gonorrhea and syphilis in North Carolina, and chlamydial infection in the United States. I will conclude with an introduction to two newly funded projects that will address syphilis in Columbus and the opioid crisis in Ohio.