13th Annual BGSU/OSU Graduate Student Conference

Classroom learning
November 1, 2019
10:00AM - 4:30PM
Research Commons, 352 18th Ave Library, 175 West 18th Avenue

Date Range
2019-11-01 10:00:00 2019-11-01 16:30:00 13th Annual BGSU/OSU Graduate Student Conference   Please save the date for the 13th Annual BGSU/OSU Graduate Student Conference. This year the conference will be hosted by the Institute for Population Research at The Ohio State University. This annual conference is jointly organized by BGSU and OSU’s population centers (IPR and the Center for Family and Demographic Research, CFDR, respectively). We welcome and encourage submissions from graduate students in all departments and disciplines. If you have a thesis or a paper in progress, please consider submitting it for presentation! In addition to oral presentations, we are also introducing Flash Sessions! Flash Sessions are comprised of quick 4-6 minute presentations with an informal Q&A after each presentation. Presenters are welcome to bring visual aids to their flash session presentations. The conference is a great opportunity to develop your work through exchanging ideas with other graduate students both at Bowling Green State University and The Ohio State University.  Students who wish to present a paper should submit an extended abstract (3-4 pages) or a full paper (no more than 30 pages).  If you submit a full paper, please include a brief abstract as well. We welcome working drafts in all stages. Monetary prizes will be awarded! Full Oral Presentation Requirements: A working or full paper with results 10-15 minute presentation (PowerPoint) Flash Session Presentation Requirements: A working or full paper results not necessary; 4-6 minute presentation (Printouts, posters, etc.) The deadline for initial submissions is Friday, October 4th.  Please send all submissions, indicating whether you would like to be considered for a full oral presentation, a flash session, or either one, to Jasmine Whiteside (popcenter@osu.edu). Final paper drafts will be due October 25th (one week prior to the conference). Please let us know if you have any questions regarding the conference or the submission process.  We look forward to receiving your submissions and to an exciting conference!   Research Commons, 352 18th Ave Library, 175 West 18th Avenue America/New_York public


Please save the date for the 13th Annual BGSU/OSU Graduate Student Conference. This year the conference will be hosted by the Institute for Population Research at The Ohio State University. This annual conference is jointly organized by BGSU and OSU’s population centers (IPR and the Center for Family and Demographic Research, CFDR, respectively). We welcome and encourage submissions from graduate students in all departments and disciplines.

If you have a thesis or a paper in progress, please consider submitting it for presentation! In addition to oral presentations, we are also introducing Flash Sessions! Flash Sessions are comprised of quick 4-6 minute presentations with an informal Q&A after each presentation. Presenters are welcome to bring visual aids to their flash session presentations.

The conference is a great opportunity to develop your work through exchanging ideas with other graduate students both at Bowling Green State University and The Ohio State University.  Students who wish to present a paper should submit an extended abstract (3-4 pages) or a full paper (no more than 30 pages).  If you submit a full paper, please include a brief abstract as well. We welcome working drafts in all stages.

Monetary prizes will be awarded!

Full Oral Presentation Requirements:

  • A working or full paper with results
  • 10-15 minute presentation (PowerPoint)

Flash Session Presentation Requirements:

  • A working or full paper results not necessary; 4-6 minute presentation (Printouts, posters, etc.)

The deadline for initial submissions is Friday, October 4th.  Please send all submissions, indicating whether you would like to be considered for a full oral presentation, a flash session, or either one, to Jasmine Whiteside (popcenter@osu.edu). Final paper drafts will be due October 25th (one week prior to the conference).

Please let us know if you have any questions regarding the conference or the submission process.  We look forward to receiving your submissions and to an exciting conference!