Yue Chu

Yue Chu

Yue Chu

Sociology, 2018 Cohort


Yue is a junior population health professional with multidisciplinary training and working experience in demography and population health, biostatistics, epidemiology, maternal and child health, and clinical medicine. Yue received a M.B.B.S in China concentrating on public health and preventive medicine and then a Master in Public Health and worked as a research associate in Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health. Yue is now a first-year graduate student at Department of Sociology and an affiliate of Institute for Population Research.   

Yue’s research interests include health disparities, estimation methodologies of health indicators in low-and-middle-income countries and data-scarce settings, monitor and evaluation, and the translation of research findings into programs and policies and has been involved in various projects related to demography, child epidemiology and population health. Current projects Yue is involved in include estimating burden of child mortality by cause and age at the global, regional, national and subnational levels, understanding measurement errors and misclassification of vital status of births in verbal autopsy surveys. Yue has also worked on outcome and impact evaluation of health intervention programs, comprehensive systematic reviews of important medical topics.